Patients perform most of the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis on their own. The doctor only prescribes, periodically checks its correctness. The rest of the time the patient is left to himself. In order for everything to be done correctly, you need to know how to treat thoracic osteochondrosis and its exacerbation while staying at home. Many people use folk remedies to treat osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. This stage should be controlled by a doctor, because some methods of treating folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the chest can be not only in vain, but also harm the patient's health.
What is a disease
This disease is becoming more common. It is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column. The main structure that suffers is the intervertebral discs. Their wear and tear occurs, and as a result, the vertebrae, nerves, and internal organs suffer.
The main provoking cause is hypodynamia, lack of exercise. This leads to stoop and improper distribution of the load on the spine.
Clinically, the disease may not manifest itself for several years or even more. The appearance of symptoms does not always motivate the patient to see a doctor, despite the fact that they are quite bright. The most important manifestation of the chest form is pain behind the sternum. The patient may suffer from an increase in blood pressure up to a hypertensive crisis. The remaining symptoms are also not so pleasant: disorders of the stomach (nausea, heartburn, vomiting) and duodenum, respiratory organs (hypoxia), liver and gallbladder. The disease can be complicated by the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia.
Patients prefer to treat themselves completely for other diseases. But you should listen to your body, note the rest of the complaints. This is a good reason to book an appointment with a GP.
Important! After the onset of symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis, it is not necessary to immediately begin treatment with folk remedies. Consult a doctor first.
What are the ways of treatment at home
Many believe that you can quickly treat osteochondrosis at home. But it's not. It is impossible to cure thoracic osteochondrosis both at home and in a hospital. Osteochondrosis does not go to the end, but if the appointments are correctly performed, it will not bother. You need to understand that the presence of this disease determines the future lifestyle.
How to treat thoracic osteochondrosis at home? At home, you can use almost all types of treatment, except for the surgical method.
Drug therapy is used, physical exercises, various rehabilitation procedures, wearing a corset are carried out. It is also possible to carry out alternative treatment of osteochondrosis, the impact on the thoracic spine using available methods, but only after consulting a doctor.
Medical therapy
Medications are an integral part of treatment, especially during a relapse. The main means of therapy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Their action is aimed at relieving inflammation, reducing swelling and, as a result, eliminating pain. Various forms of drugs are used, from tablets to ointments.
Symptomatic therapy consists in the use of analgesics, but they are mainly preferred by antispasmodics to relax tense back muscles.
Mandatory drugs are chondroprotectors. They do not eliminate pain, do not relieve inflammation, but slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue.
Important! Charging in the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis at home is a mandatory daily exercise.
The doctor always appoints a visit to the exercise therapy room. After the end of the course, the exercises must be continued at home with the same regularity. Gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis at home can be modified, there are many different video courses, workouts.
The most important thing in its treatment is active movement. With their help, blood flow increases, the spine becomes more flexible and mobile, intervertebral discs improve.
Passive rehabilitation methods
Very pleasant and useful procedures that should be repeated periodically are therapeutic massage and manual therapy. Such methods help to improve blood circulation, relax spasmodic muscles, provide them with warming up, tone the body and improve the general condition.
Treatment with affordable folk remedies for osteochondrosis is used by people quite often. A very popular folk remedy for exacerbation of osteochondrosis is the use of rubbing. They are prepared on the basis of vodka, diluted ethyl alcohol (about 0. 5 l). Lilac or acacia leaves (200–400 g) are used for tinctures. The rubbing should be infused for a week, after which it is filtered. Usually the area of inflammation is rubbed 3 times a day.
Instead of therapeutic ointments, to achieve warming, locally irritating effects, camphor alcohol, honey with vodka, creams with bee or snake venom are used. Such folk remedies for osteochondrosis, including the thoracic region, are very effective.
In order to provide a general anti-inflammatory effect, decoctions of chamomile, sage, and nettle are used.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region at home makes up most of it. Basically, the patient does everything on his own, the doctor only controls his condition and the course of the disease. The patient must control himself, carry out treatment continuously and be sure to contact the doctor if he wants to use new methods of therapy.